47 editions of Rally Košice in a nutshell

May 8, 1971 was not only the Day commemorating the 26th anniversary of the victory over fascism, but also the day of the 1st edition of the VSŽ Košice Rally, which began to write the history of the current Košice rally. It is interesting that at that time the city of Košice was already experiencing rallies, as AMK Stavba Košice organized its "own" Rally Košice. This city is therefore the oldest city in Slovakia, where rallies have been held for over 50 years. A lot of time has passed since then, and with little breaks, its 48th year is upon us.

48. Garrett Rally Košice uzatvorí slovenský rally šampionát v sezóne 2022

Štyri domáce a tri zahraničné súťaže obsahoval na začiatku sezóny 2022 kalendár Majstrovstiev Slovenska v rally. Po predčasnom ukončení Rally Slovakia Ring a zrušení Hunter Rally, zostalo v kalendári len 5 podujatí. Tým posledným bude októbrová 48. Garrett Rally Košice, ktorá rozhodne aj o tituloch majstrov Slovenska.


Odštartujte na 48. Garrett Rally Košice ako účastníci rally pravidelnosti

Auto klub Košice počas svojej vyše 50-ročnej existencie organizoval i spoluorganizoval spolu už 101 tradičných súťaží rally moderných vozidiel. Okrem nich sa podieľa aj na priebehu maratónskych rally historických vozidiel. Staňte sa súčasťou takejto udalosti a absolvujte so svojím vozidlom 48. Garrett Rally Košice!

48. Garrett Rally Košice the traditional point of the Slovak championship

The demanding two-leg rally in Košice is already a traditional dot on the calendar of the Slovak Rally Championship. This year it will be held on the  October 21-23 and thanks to the support of the general advertising partner of Garrett Motion Slovakia s.r.o., it will be called the 48th Garrett Rally Košice. The event will take place under the auspices of Ing. Jaroslav Polaček, the mayor of the city of Košice, and the main advertising partners are the City of Košice and the Košice Football Arena.



Pred niekoľkými dňami sa uskutočnila 47. Rally Košice, automobilová súťaž zaradená do FIA zóny strednej Európy, Majstrovstiev Slovenskej a Poľskej republiky súčasných aj historických automobilov a Slovenského rally pohára. Na základe ohlasov delegovaných činovníkov, súťažiacich i názoru divákov môžeme konštatovať, že 47. Rally Košice bolo podujatím, ktoré dobre reprezentovalo organizátora, mesto Košice, SAMŠ a aj Slovensko.

The 47. Rally Košice 2021 started to the first stage

After the morning shakedown, which was attended by several competitors, the 47. Rally Košice 2021 started in a row at 13:00 on 16.11.2021.

A total of eightythree competition crews from five European countries took part in the start of the competition, fighting in the series of FIA CEZ rally championships, FIA CEZ historic cars, as well as in the Slovak and Polish championships, as well as the Slovak rally cup and the Slovak regularity rally trophy.


89 competition crews from Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Estonia entered the 47th Rally Košice. In the beautiful, colorful colors of autumn, they have to take part in a two-stage competition, which will bring the names of the champions of Slovakia and Poland in individual classes. At the competition, we will no longer see certain absolute champions of Slovakia - Grzegorz Grzyb and Michal Poradzisz, whose vehicle has not yet been repaired after the last major accident.


In recent days, COVID Automat has decided on whether the 47th Rally Košice will take place for the given week in which the competition is to take place. After today's publication of the "color" for next week, it is already clear that the competition will take place on its scheduled date of October 14-17, 2021.

